Introducing the “Carving My Path” Notebook Collection: Stay Organized and Express your Creativity

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who likes to write, a notebook is a handy companion that helps you stay organized and express your thoughts and creativity on paper. A notebook is a simple and useful tool for writing and taking notes. Notebooks can be used for various purposes, such as jottingContinueContinue reading “Introducing the “Carving My Path” Notebook Collection: Stay Organized and Express your Creativity”

3 Tips for Self-Publishing Low-Content Books on Amazon with Kindle Direct Publishing

Self-publishing low-content books on Amazon has become popular. You can create activities like coloring or journaling and use Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) to reach a global audience. I have been thinking to get into this for years and finally, I have shown the courage to do it. I have successfully published low-content books on Amazon,ContinueContinue reading “3 Tips for Self-Publishing Low-Content Books on Amazon with Kindle Direct Publishing”

7 Effective Ways to Practice Self-Care and Improve Your Well-being

Daily writing promptHow do you practice self-care?View all responses The Importance of Self-Care and How I Practice It Self-care is essential for both our physical and mental well-being. We lead busy lives, juggling work, family, and social responsibilities, often ignoring our own needs and neglecting self-care. However, taking care of yourself is not only beneficialContinueContinue reading “7 Effective Ways to Practice Self-Care and Improve Your Well-being”

How To Plan For A Fulfilling Retirement

Daily writing promptHow do you want to retire?View all responses When it comes to planning for retirement, everyone has their own unique vision of how they want to spend their golden years. Some people look forward to traveling the world, others want to spend time with family and friends, and some simply want to relaxContinueContinue reading “How To Plan For A Fulfilling Retirement”

Expressing Myself Through Different Mediums: My Passion for Photography, Video Production, Art, and Blogging

Daily writing promptWhat are you passionate about?View all responses Everyone has a different way of expressing themselves. As for me, I’ve always found that different mediums work best for me to capture my thoughts, ideas, and creative vision. For years now, I’ve been pursuing my passion for photography, video creation, art, and blogging, and IContinueContinue reading “Expressing Myself Through Different Mediums: My Passion for Photography, Video Production, Art, and Blogging”

How to get amazon gift card

Who doesn’t love shopping on Amazon? ! What if I can tell you that you can get Amazon gift cards by doing simple tasks like searching on the web or watching videos or submitting your grocery receipt. Yes, that is true and I am going to share 3 awesome mobile apps with you which IContinueContinue reading “How to get amazon gift card”

Budget-friendly cutlery organization

In the beginning, when I moved to the USA after marriage we had a limited number of kitchen items. As years passed, we kept adding more for several reasons like guests coming in, new family member and some because we loved it πŸ˜ƒ Cutlery is the most used item and we found it so hardContinueContinue reading “Budget-friendly cutlery organization”

Wyze- monitoring camera

All things related to a baby are so expensive these days! We can get adult clothes and shoes way cheaper than for kids. We have been looking for a good baby monitor and we didn’t find anything that we liked or within our budget. One day when my husband went shopping at Walmart, he sawContinueContinue reading “Wyze- monitoring camera”

Why you should do a regular dental checkup.

It had been 3 years since I visited a dentist and this month I decided to take up on the free dental checkup that comes with the insurance we have been paying for. Here they take complete dental X-rays during the doctor’s visit. I knew I had one decay in the front teeth that hadContinueContinue reading “Why you should do a regular dental checkup.”