AI Assistant for WordPress: Make Blogging Easy and Efficient

As a blogger, you may have experienced that writing great content can take more time than you initially planned. However, with the help of AI assistant, you can increase the speed and efficiency of your writing process, leaving you more time to focus on other important tasks. What is AI Assistant for WordPress? The AIContinueContinue reading “AI Assistant for WordPress: Make Blogging Easy and Efficient”

How to Create and Use Reusable Blocks in WordPress

A reusable block is a content block that can be saved and reused across different pages and posts on your WordPress website. This can be useful for elements such as calls-to-action, testimonials, or other content that you might want to reuse. Once created, a reusable block can be easily inserted into any post or page,ContinueContinue reading “How to Create and Use Reusable Blocks in WordPress”

Expressing Myself Through Different Mediums: My Passion for Photography, Video Production, Art, and Blogging

Daily writing promptWhat are you passionate about?View all responses Everyone has a different way of expressing themselves. As for me, I’ve always found that different mediums work best for me to capture my thoughts, ideas, and creative vision. For years now, I’ve been pursuing my passion for photography, video creation, art, and blogging, and IContinueContinue reading “Expressing Myself Through Different Mediums: My Passion for Photography, Video Production, Art, and Blogging”

Are you a leader or a follower? – my response to the daily writing prompt

Daily writing promptAre you a leader or a follower?View all responses I would like to believe that I am both. It certainly depends on the situation and the people I am with. When the situation requires something that I have good knowledge about, I can be a leader at that moment. But there may beContinueContinue reading “Are you a leader or a follower? – my response to the daily writing prompt”


Yesterday I got a notification from WordPress that it is my blog-Carving my path’s Anniversary. It has already been a year since I started this blog. My last post was in March and then I got a little busy with life πŸ˜€. March is when the daylight savings started and the days started getting longer.ContinueContinue reading “Momlife”

6 months of blogging!

I can’t believe that it has been already 6 months since I started blogging. I wrote a blog post almost every week ever since I started ( I missed two weeks) and it has been a good experience. I learned a lot along the way and made a few connections. Today, I am sharing aContinueContinue reading “6 months of blogging!”

Blogging, Art and housework – a schedule for all of it

Past few days I have been concentrating more on cleaning and tidying up and all other housework. My kitchen and fridge are looking a lot better now and I am loving it. I was doing it all in the ‘me-time that I have assigned for myself. Also, I took naps on a few days becauseContinueContinue reading “Blogging, Art and housework – a schedule for all of it”