
You feel happy when something happens the way you want. You feel happy when someone surprises you with something special. You feel happy when something you have been waiting for long happens. There is a lot of things that can make you happy. Do what makes you happy. Recognize the little things that made youContinue reading "Happiness"

8-hours sleep and Me-Time

One month ago I challenged myself to find an 8 hours sleep schedule that works for me. Today I am here to say I did it. I found a good sleep schedule for me that is from 12 am to 8 am. This schedule works well for me now. Read about my challenge here FeaturedContinue reading "8-hours sleep and Me-Time"

Time with nature

Do you get bored often? Do you feel stressed ? Nature has the best solution for you. Do not think fancy when I say nature. I am not talking about the beautiful vacation places and take time out of regular work and all. I am talking about getting outdoors even if its just to theContinue reading "Time with nature"

Best haircut for summer

7 months ago I chopped off my hair. I just had to shorten it because I couldn't handle the long hair and the baby! I couldn't go to saloon due to pandemic and lockdown. So I tied a ponytail and asked my mom to just cut right below the hairband. It was okay , notContinue reading "Best haircut for summer"

Friends in kitchen

Cooking is happiness for some and for some others it is a chore. But I am somewhere in between!. Sometimes it gets me all existed if I am in the mood to cook something special and some days I just have to do it. I cook daily for my family and some of the kitchenContinue reading "Friends in kitchen"

Challenges as a mom and homemaker

Having a schedule for yourself is the key to stay focused and well planned

Dream big, plan, and work towards it and you will succeed!

The more you share your plans the more likely you will keep up with it.

My blog ‘Carving my path’ says hello world !

So I got myself a notebook and started planning everything on paper. Believe me, it calms down your mind and make you feel organized and prepared for your next step.